Learn to be Alone. Not everyone will stay forever.
Here is a list of 45 Best alone love quotes.
1)Because I have been lonely, i value love.

2)Loneliness becomes the worst feeling of all when it is gifted by someone you love.

3)She was lovely in a quiet way. A way in which
lonely and unseen people are beautiful to those
who notice them.

4)It is a lonely feeling when someone you care about becomes a stranger.

5)There are worse things than feeling alone. Things like being with someone and still feeling alone.

6)Stop being lonely by going back to the people who hurt you.

7)It is a lonely feeling when someone you love
becomes a stranger to you.

8)I am alone. And this Loneliness is killing me.

9)I enjoy being alone, my soul is at peace in the silence.

10)That feeling when you are not necessarily sad. But just feel empty with matters
of love.

11)Single does not mean you are lonely. It means you are just resting your heart till you in true love.

12)Being ALONE Is One Thing But Feeling
Alone Is A Whole Different Story.

13)Lonely is not being alone, it’s the feeling that
no one cares.

14)It is better to be alone, than being with someone
who makes you feel alone.

15)Some people come into your life only to teach
you how to live alone.

16)Living alone is Better than Living with Fake people Who hates you But Acts like they Are loving you.

17)I am tired of falling in love alone.

18) Feeling lonely.

19)Dear Feelings I need you to move on.

20)I like being alone too much.

21)You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you
just need to be alone and let your tears out.

22)Sometimes it feels like I am surrounded
by darkness. I feel so alone.

23)It’s Better To Be Happy Alone Than Unhappy
With Someone.

24)It is very easy to love alone.

25)Why must I be lonely in love?

26)It is love alone that counts.

27)Love is prepaid by love alone.

28)One year of love is better than a lifetime alone.

29)If you really love me, Don’t leave me alone.

30)It is love alone that gives worth to all things.

31)How can I ask anyone to love me when all I do is beg to be left alone?

32)You alone are enough,you have nothing to prove
to anybody.

3)I feel so alone in this place.

34)It’s ok to be alone till you find someone
better than your solitude.

35)People around me are not right for me. So I am alone in the crowd.

36)Staying lonely feels good,
but it never feels right.

37)Those alone are wise who know how to love.

38)I MISS YOU and I feel so alone.

39)I have a great family and good friends, but I still feel alone inside.

40)I quit being sad in life but loneliness follows.

41)He travels the fastest who travels alone.

42)The best thing about being alone is, that you can feel your thoughts.

43) I’m not okay.

44)I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.

45)You have to be you first, Then someone else.