Never hurt a good heart they’re god’s favorite the moment they’ll feel the pain god’s gonna hit you too.
Here is a list of 30 Best good heart quotes.
Nobody goes through more shit in life than a person with a good heart.

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.

With a good heart,you can win many battles.

A good heart keeps you beautiful forever.

People with good heart are always unlucky in relationship.

A great smile is a wonderful asset,but a good heart is pure gold.

people say good heart will always be happy.but i think a good heart most of the times get hurt very badly because it expects only good things from others.

A man with a good heart is worth more than a man with a good bank balance.

Don’t ever regret having a good may be let down and amp;you may feel deeper than those around you but in the end you’re always winning.

Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return,and you will never be disappointed.

Good looks fade but a good heart keeps you beautiful forever.

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

No matter how good your heart is,eventually you have to start treating people the way they treat you.

Keep a good heart,the universe will recognize it.

A good heart doesn’t see the bad in others.

A good and kind heart is the best of all qualities.

I may not be the best looking.I’m not rich i don’t have a perfect body but i have a good heart for those who care.

Sometimes having a big heart sucks,because you expect everyone to care as much as you and they don’t.

Don’t look for a good face but always look for a good heart.

She’s got such a good heart.she really does,It’s just been broken a lot.

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our hurt rather than a piece of our mind.

The only people i need in my life are the ones that prove to me they need me in theirs.

Do not be ashamed of the wars your soul has fought to save itself.

Having a good heart can put you in some messed up situation.

That’s the problem with having a good heart,you think everyone has one,too.

Don’t abuse a kind may never be offered one again.

It’s better to have no one,than to have someone who is half there,or doesn’t want to be there.

I have no more fight in me when it comes to friendship and relationships.If you want to go,go.

Never stop being a good person,because of bad people.

Spread love everywhere you go,let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.