Affirmations are a best way to maintain a peaceful state of mind.
Here is a list of 50 Best Motivational affirmations.
I am on my way,my journey starts now.
I am in control of my thoughts,my words,and my life.
I am always attracting fun stuff into my life.
My life is changing for the better every day.
Happiness flows freely from me.
I approve of myself,i love my self.
I am building my dreams in reality.
I love the unique person that i am.
I am capable of creating my dream life.
I can do all the things.
I am enough.
I can ,i will end of story.
Step by step,rep by rep.I am creating a new me.
I think of only positive things and positive things happen in my life.
When i breath inhale confidence and exhale timidity.
My courage is stronger than my fear.
There is no limit to what i can achieve.
I deserve the best.
I value myself.
I am magnet for all that is good in the world.
I make the right moves,i am greatful for that.
I will support my dreams,until my dreams support me.
I am focus on the things that are important to me.
I am thankful for Being me.
I am happy with myself.
I love my appearance.
I attract positive energy.
I have the courage to keep going.
I can achieve anything, i put my mind.
I am in charge of my life.
I am the creator of my own happy life.
I trust my own process.
I am now creating my life exactly as i want it.
I am my own boss,i will follow my own route.
I believe in myself,and i will back my opinions.
I am courageous,and i will say no if necessary.
I am my own person,and i respect myself.
Something wonderful is about to happen to me.
I am loved, I am enough,I am strong.
I have the strength to overcome any challenge.
I am worthy of my dreams and goals.
Nothing can stop me.
I am unique, valuable and worthy.
I have unlimited power.
I own my own power,and i take up the spaces that i deserve.
My life is a blast of growing opportunity,because i never stop creating.
I am committed to my path,Without the approval of others.
I am moving forward in this situation.
It is my divine right to accept and believe in myself.
I am happy and Free because,I am me.