problem quotes

30 Best Problem quotes

There are 3 solutions to every problem, accept it,change it,leave it.if you can’t accept it,change it,if you can’t change it,leave it.

Here is a list of 30 Best Problem quotes.

Running away from your problem is like running away from your shadow.

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Life is like a road and problems are like a speed breakers,they save us from big accidents.

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The world is not a problem,the problem is your unawareness.

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I’m not really sure how problems i have because math is one of them many.

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Patience is the key which solves all problems.

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A lot of problems in the world would disappear,if we talk each other instead of about each other.

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Problems are like washing machines,they twist us,spin us and knock us around But in the end we come out cleaner, brighter and better than before.

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I have lots of hidden talents,the problem is even i can’t find them

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I don’t have an attitude problem,you have a problem with my attitude and that’s not my problem.

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Don’t tell god you have a big problem,tell your problem you have a big god.

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Life isn’t about living without problems,life is about solving problems.

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Don’t be pushed by your problems,be led by your dreams.

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Problems are common,but attitude makes the difference.

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You’re either part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.

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A problem is a chance for you to do your best.

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Dear problem,please give me some discount, I’m your regular customer.

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A problem is only as big as you make it.

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Life without problems isn’t normal,so don’t think having problem destroy life because they are part of it.

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Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them instead they required maturity to overgow them.

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Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem.

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Overthinking kills your happiness.

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Stay away from negative people,they have a problem for every solution.

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When you find no solution for problem,it’s probably not a problem to be solved,but rather a truth to be accepted.

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Every problem is a gift without problems we would not grow.

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The problem is not the problem ,the problem is your attitude about the problem.

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I do not fix my problems,i fix my thinking, then problems fix themselves.

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Solve the problem or leave the problem don’t live with the problem.

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Life is not a problem,to be solved but a reality to be experienced.

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Problem today is people don’t cherish good people,they try to use them.

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That’s my problem,i think too much,and i feel too deeply,what a dangerous combination.

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