self control is a skill to master that will improve your life.Don’t let others manipulate your emotions.
Here is a list of 25 Best Self control quotes.
I focus on what can control and i let go of what i can’t.

win in your mind and you will win your reality.

It all begins and ends in your mind.what you give power to has power over you,if you allow it.

Ships don’t sink because of the water around them,ships sink because of the water that gets in them.Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.

Don’t be slave to your emotions,control them.

You only lose control when you don’t take control.

Self control is all about moment to moment self awareness.

Take control of your emotions before emotions take control of you.

Discipline with will power is most dangerous.

Without self-discipline,success is impossible period.

You are in control,Only if you control yourself.

Self control is the only possible road to character development.

If you lose self control everything will fail.

When you can’t control what’s happening,challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening.that’s where your power is.

I’m not dieting,I’m just practising self control.

SElf control is strength.Right thought is mastery.calmness is power.

Self control is the chief element in self respect and self respect is the cheif element in courage.

Self control is a key factor in achieving success.we can’t control everything in life but we can definitely control ourselves.

Don’t mistake lack of Self control for freedom.

Ones greatest challenge is to control one’s self.

Never let your emotions over power your intelligence.

We can control conditions,If we desire to control.

Never do something foolish.Just because you are temporarily upset.

If you can learn self control you can master anything.

Self discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.If you don’t control what you think,you can’t control what you do.