When You Forgive,You Free Your Soul.But When You Say Sorry You free two Souls.
Here is a list of 36 Best sorry quotes.
1)I Apologize Not Because i am Wrong But Because i Value our
Relationship More than My Ego.

2)I’m not perfect,i make mistakes,i hurt people. But when i say sorry,i mean it.

3)I’m not very good at saying sorry, but l apologize.

4)I’m sorry for hurting you, I never wanted you to feel bad In anyway.
it was childish of me to do that to you. I don’t expect you to forgive me,I just wanted to you to know that I’m sorry.

5)I’m so sorry i pushed you away when i needed you most.

6)forgive me.I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

7)I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings I take back my words! Hope you’ll forgive me.

8)I am Sorry from the core of my heart for hurting you this bad.
Please forgive me.

9)My heart beats only for you,please be merciful and forgive me.

10)There is nothing I wish for right now other than your forgiveness and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for the sake of it.

11)I’m truly sorry for my words and actions.

12)Whether I’m right or wrong, l’m sorry.Our love is too precious to let a quarrel to keep us apart.

13)The hero isn’t the one who is right,but the one who steps forward to take the blame-deserved or not and apologize to save a relationship.

14)I’m Sorry for all the things I’ve done just know I never meant to hurt You.

15)Sorry is not enough Sometimes you actually have to change.

16)I’m sorry to have caused you all this trouble.

17)Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing
on earth. But it’s the cheapest thing to save the most expensive
gift called relationship.

18)I am sorry.I couldn’t be what you needed or wanted.

19)Be the hero of hearts,learn to say I’m sorry.

20)l am terribly sorry,and I wish that one day you can forgive me.

21)It’s never too late to apologize, It’s never too late to say I’m sorry.

22)Would you please forgive me and love me and show me that you still
care for me?

23)It is always so simple and so complicating, to accept an apology.

24)I Promise I Will Destroy Every Reason That Brings Tears To Your
Eyes.Please Forgive Me This Time.I Am Sorry.

25)I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for whatever did and for
whatever i said.Please forgive me.

27)Please accept my sincere apologies, if necessary,
I’ll apologize 1000 times.

28)l’m hiding what i’m feeling But I’m tired of Holding inside of my head.I am sorry for everything.

29)Forgiveness does not change the past,But it does enlarge the future.

30)It’s killing me and I’m feeling so lonely You are the only man
who has the magical power to make me happy again.Please give my love another chance by
accepting my apology!

31)Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.

32)It was all my fault,please accept my apology.

33)There Is a Pain Here In My Heart Ever Since You Have Stopped
Talking To Me,I’m Sorry.

34)I don’t know what else to say, except I’m incredibly sorry for the things that I said.Please take it as a stupid moment and forgive me.

35)Relationship gets stronger when both are Willing to understand mistakes and Forgive each other.

36)I’m so sorry about what I said when I was HUNGRY.