Fake friends quotes

34 Best fake friends quotes

Better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back.

Here is a list of 34 Best fake friends quotes.

1)Sometimes it’s not the people who change,It’s the mask that falls off.

Fake friends quotes

2)Less people, Less bullshit.

Fake friends quotes

3)Lucky are those who find a true loyal friend in this fake world.

Fake friends quotes

4)I distance myself from people for a reason.

Fake friends quotes

5)People show their true colors,unintentionally. pay attention.

Fake friends quotes

6)Some people were only friends with you because you saw them five times a week.

Fake friends quotes

7)Do you ever feel you’re not even friends with your friends?

Fake friends quotes

8)The realest people don’t have a lot of friends.

9)I really hate two faced people.It’s so hard to decide which face to slap first.

Fake friends quotes

10)It’s Funny how friend’s forget us when they don’t need any more favors.

Fake friends quotes

11)Fake people always act that they are helping you but in reality, they never want to help you.

Fake friends quotes

12)I’d rather have an enemy who admits they hate me,instead of a friend who secretly puts me down.

Fake friends quotes

13)Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you.

Fake friends quotes

14)Be careful my friends, Peoples are were masks of a lie so they look attractive and supportive.

Fake friends quotes

15)The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.

Fake friends quotes

16)A friend who stands with you in times of pressure is more valuable than a hundred friends who will stand with you at times of pleasure.

Fake friends quotes

17)I may not be perfect but at last i am not fake.

Fake friends quotes

18)Sometimes,Your biggest enemy hides behind a disguise of friendship.

Fake friends quotes

19)Fake friends show their true colors when they don’t need you anymore.

Fake friends quotes

20)Better an honest enemy than a false friend.

Fake friends quotes

21)I don’t chase anyone anymore. Wanna walk out of my life,there’s the door. Hell,I’ll even hold it for you.

Fake friends quotes

22)People will stab you in the back then ask you why you’re bleeding.

Fake friends quotes

23)You shouldn’t be always available for someone who doesn’t even ask how you are doing.

24)We don’t lose friends, We just learn who our real ones are.

Fake friends quotes

25)You must learn who is gold and who is simply gold plated.

Fake friends quotes

26)Some people will only love you as much as they can use you.Their loyalty ends where the benefits stops.

Fake friends quotes

26)Stop expecting loyalty from those who can’t even give you honesty.

Fake friends quotes

27)Disappointed but not surprised.

Fake friends quotes

28)Oh,I’m sorry.I forget i only exist to you when you need something.

Fake friends quotes

29)The most dangerous creature on this earth is,a fake friend.

Fake friends quotes

30)A close friend can become a close enemy.

Fake friends quotes

31)An honest enemy is better than a best friend who lies.

Fake friends quotes

32)Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.

Fake friends quotes

33)Growing up means realizing a lot of your friends aren’t really your friends.

Fake friends quotes

24)I dislike people who only need friends when it’s convenient for them.

Fake friends quotes
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