Quotes on avoiding

30 Best Quotes on avoiding

Real people avoid drama.They know their time is too precious and choose not to waste it on unimportant people.

1)Once you feel avoided by someone,never disturb them again.

Quotes on avoiding

2)Avoid people who have no respect for you and make you feel un comfortable no one should have to spend one minute with someone that makes you walk on egg shells.

Quotes on avoiding

3)Remember Don’t Avoid anyone Too much,that Too much leads to get Regret on you.

Quotes on avoiding

4)Avoid me once,I’ll never disturb you again.

Quotes on avoiding

5)It’s better to avoid ourself Before being avoided.

Quotes on avoiding

6)There are some thoughts you can’t avoid and some feelings
you can’t deny.

Quotes on avoiding

7)Once you feel you are avoided,by someone,Never disturb them again because the one who thinks you are disturbing them will never know how much you care for them.

Quotes on avoiding

8)No one is perfect.If you avoid people for their mistakes,you will be alone in this world.So judge less and love more.

Quotes on avoiding

9)Silence and smile are two powerful tools.SMILE is the way to solve many problems and SILENCE is the way to avoid many problems

Quotes on avoiding

10)Avoiding failure is to avoid progress.

Quotes on avoiding

11)I just avoid people.When I feel they are fake.

Quotes on avoiding

12)Avoiding a problem doesn’t solve it.

Quotes on avoiding

13)Avoid people who:
1.Mess with your head.
2.Intentionally and repeatedly do
and say that they know upset you.
3.Expect you to prioritize them
but refuse to prioritize you.
4.Can’t and won’t apologise
5.Act like the victim when
confronted with their abusive behavior.

Quotes on avoiding

14)A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.

Quotes on avoiding

15)Avoid negative people, for they are the greatest destroyers of self confidence and self esteem.Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.

Quotes on avoiding

16)It is a sin to persue pleasure as a good and to avold pain as a evil.

Quotes on avoiding

17)The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect
anything from anyone.

Quotes on avoiding

18)Don’t avoid eye contact and don’t be late.

Quotes on avoiding

19)Keep calm and avoid selfish people.

Quotes on avoiding

20)Avoiding certain people to protect your emotional health is not a weakness.It’s wisdom.

Quotes on avoiding

21)If you keep avoiding self-love, the world will keep sending you
people who also avoid loving you.

Quotes on avoiding

22)You can’t avoid pain. but you can choose to overcome it.

Quotes on avoiding

23)Don’t miss or avoid the person who really had a true affection on you. It may make you feel when they live without you and your memories.

Quotes on avoiding

24)Give yourself a break to avoid a breakdown.

Quotes on avoiding

25)Sometimes what you need is to avoid what you want.

Quotes on avoiding

26)I avoid people by distancing myself from them.

Quotes on avoiding

28)Judge me by the people l avoid.

Quotes on avoiding

29)Avoid ego When to do something possibly impossible.

Quotes on avoiding

30)To Avoid Pain,They Avoid
Pleasure.To Avoid Death, The
Avoid Life.

Quotes on avoiding
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