Self love affirmations

66 Best self love affirmations

It’s not a big deal if someone treats you badly and doesn’t know your worth. But it’s a big deal if you put yourself down and don’t know your worth. Please don’t do that. Never give up on yourself, especially when you’re at your lowest. Hold yourself a little tighter and love yourself a little bit more.

Here is a list of 66 Best self love affirmations.

1) I matter; my life matters.
2) It is okay to go at my own pace.
3) I am not my anxiety; I am not what my
fears try to tell me l am.
4) I can rise above any obstacle-any fear.
5) I am so grateful for this life.
6) I am worthy.
7) This body makes things happen; this
body is strong.
8) I am mentally strong and I am capable of
doing this.
9) I deserve good things.
10) I get back in life what I put into the

Self love affirmations

11) I am in control of my anxiety; my anxiety
is not in control of me.
12) Who l am becoming makes me proud.
13) I have the ability to reclaim my power.
14) I can do anything I set my mind to.
15) The words of others do not affect me.
16) Negativity bounces off of me.
17) I am in control of myself; I am in control
of my life.
18) I promise to be kind to myself.
19) I am at peace.
20) I deserve to be here.

Self love affirmations

21) My space and boundaries are important.
22) I make the decisions.
23) No one else can take away my peace.
24) It is okay to take up space.
25) There is nothing wrong with me.
26) I choose not to judge myself but instead,
to forgive myself.
27) I am doing the best that I can.
28) What needs to happen will happen.
29) I am empowered.
30) It is a good day to be alive.

Self love affirmations

31) I attract positive energy that will allow
me to heal.
32) I am not the bad things that have
happened to me.
33) I continue to grow.
34) l am a strong and capable person.
35) l am capable of achieving anything l set
my mind to.
36) I have everything I need within me to be
happy and successful.
37) l am loved and supported by those
around me.
38) | love and accept myself unconditionally.
39) l am grateful for my many blessings.
40) I am worthy of all the good things life
has to offer.

Self love affirmations

41) | am able to create the life want.
42) I am in control of my own happiness.
43) I am responsible for my own well-being.
44) I choose thoughts and beliefs that
empower me.
45) I am surrounded by love and support.
46) I am able to let go of negative thoughts
and emotions.
47) I am free to be myself.
48) I am beautifulL, inside and out.
49) I am unique and special.
50) I am loved unconditionally.

Self love affirmations

51) I approve of myself just as I am.
52) I am perfect just as I am.
53) I am whole and complete.
54) I am enough.
55) Today. I choose to love myself.
56) I am open to receiving love and
57) I am worthy of a happy and fulfilling life.
58) I radiate love and am deserving of
more self-love.
59) I am confident and self-assured.
60) I trust myself and my instincts.

Self love affirmations

61) I am courageous and brave.
62) I am strong and resilient.
63) I am wise and insightful.
64) l am kind and compassionate.
65) I am loving and forgiving.
66) I accept myself unconditionally. flaws
and all.

Self love affirmations

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