Don’t just exist,live.
Here is a list of 35 Best short quotes cool.
1)I’ve never met a strong Person with an easy past.

2)Keep going,no matter what.

3)Storms make trees take deeper roots.

4)Be curious,not judgemental.

5)Choose to be kind.

6)I will.

7)No pressure,no diamonds.

8)The sound of rain.

9)Change the world by being yourself.

10)Take every chance.Drop every fear.

11)Different doesn’t mean wrong.

12)Die with memories,not dreams.

13)The best is yet to come.

14)I can& I wil.Watch me.

15)Aspire to inspire before we expire.

16)Good thinggs are going to happen.

17)No guts,No story.

18)A bit of madness is key.

19) purpose fuels passion.

20)One day at a time.

21)Let it happen.

22)Keep it simple.

23)Be you.


25)Time matters.

26)Do good.

27)Move on….

28)Positive vibes.

29)No negative vibes.

30)Love everyone.

31)Happy me.

32)Don’t lose hope.

33)Choose happiness.

34)Keep going.

35)Don’t care.