5 am is the time of least distraction,highest human glory, and greatest peace.
Here is a list of 30 Best 5 am quotes.
1)5AM:The hour when legends are waking up or going to sleep.

2)Between 5 am good morning to 5 am good night,We grew up.

3)You know you are on the right track when sleep becomes an inconvenience.

4)One day these 5 ams will make you a legend.

5)5AM of workout is always better than 2AM of conversations.

6)Every morning you have two choices:Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.

7)Take a risk,make a move,shake things up a bit.

8)Work hard,Stay positive and get up early it’s the best part of the day.

9)Current status:
tired but still trying.

10)Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.

11)Some say you won’t make it just because they didn’t make it.

12)Your will is more important than your skill.

13)Stay dedicated. It’s not going to happen overnight.

14)Memories take you back,Dreams take you forward.

15)Promise yourself no matter how hars it gets,You’ll never give up on your dreams.

16)If it was easy then everyone would do it.

17)If you just make safe choices, You will never achieve what you truly want.

18)Grind while they sleep,Learn while they party, Live like they dream.

19)If there is no way, create one.

20)It’s never too late for a new beginning in your life.

21)Rise above the Storm, and you will find the sunshine.

22)If you can accept losing, You will never win.

23)Focus on where you want to go,Not where you are.

24)Never argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level.

25)You’re not rich until you can fly on a private jet
without posting a picture.

26)Goal is to make money even when we are sleeping.

27)Crying doesn’t take you anywhere but trying does.

28)Have big dreams you will grow into them.

29)It’s okay to be a glowstick,Sometimes we have to break before we shine.

30)They will ignore you now,but trust me they will need you later.