Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come.
Study little more today, So you don’t have to regret tomorrow.

Every minute you waste in doing nothing, Just remember that someone is getting smart somewhere.

I can’t wait until the day, I can say I made it.

Think bIg, Believe big, Act big, And the results will be big.

The goal isn’t about the money, The goal is living life the way i want to.

Focus on your goals and blur everything else.

Social media and tv won’t buy you this.

A goal should scare you a little and excite you alot.

If you want to go big, Stop thinking small.

They are average that’s why they don’t see your vision.

Sacrifice a few years for a decades of freedom.

One day all those late nights and early mornings will pay off.

I’m not ignoring you, I’m busy building my empire.

Work until expensive becomes cheap.

I have to be successful, Because i love expensive shit.

Never satisfy yourself with normal.

The best revenge is massive success.

Never stop trying, Never stop believing, Never give up. Your day will come.

My life didn’t give me what i wanted, It gave me what i worked for.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Stop getting distracted by the things that have nothing to do with your goals.

The biggest risk is not taking risk.

They laughed at my dreams. Now i laugh at their lifestyle.

No rich guy is ugly remember that.

Payment notification beats those cute bullshit texts.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.

If you want to make everyone happy, Don’t be a leader sell ice cream.

5:00 AM The hour when legends are either waking up or going to sleep.

I have a dream 2worth more than sleep.