
Karma quotes

42 Best Karma quotes

Pleasure and pain come from your own past actions. Here is a list of 42 best Karma quotes. You will never understand the damage you did to someone .until the same thing is done to you . Karma bus delayed due to high demand,no worries it’s coming. Karma never loses an address. When karm comes

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Lion quotes

50 Best Lion Quotes

A Lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep. Here is a list of 50 Best Lion quotes. Rule number 1,Never be a number 2. Rule number 1,Forget what they think. Lions don’t dream of hunting, they just hunt. Stay hungry. I am unbreakable. Winners don’t make excuses. Born to win. My only

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Eagle quotes

30 Best Eagle Quotes

If being alone was that miserable, Eagles would never be fearless enough to fly. Here is a list of 30 Best Eagle quotes. Only the weak give up. Comfort is the enemy of achievement. Everybody wants to be a beast,until it’s time to do what real beasts do. Your eyes shows the strength of your

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